
Bleached Hair

Dodging Sun-Bleached Hair This Spring

With Britain’s summer weather proving even more wildly unpredictable these past few years, everyone is on tenterhooks wondering when the sun will come out, and for how long. Surely long sunny days at the beach or in the park can’t be too far off?

With the prospect of more sun comes the worry of what it will do to the hair after it has weathered the cold and windy months. We might adore the sun, but its UV rays are penetrating and powerful and prolonged exposure can rob your tresses of their natural glowing colour. The UV reacts with the melanin in the hair, robbing it of its natural pigmentation and leaving it much lighter.


Don’t go off-colour with Sun-Bleached Hair

Bleached hair seems all the rage online, especially when it’s done naturally. Lemon juice and vinegar pop up as aids to lightening your tresses by way of the sun. If this is something you are planning to do, make sure you rinse thoroughly and apply conditioner afterwards.

However, the colourless craze poses a great danger to the health of your mane. The sun’s rays subdue melanin; the hair’s natural pigment which retains its colour, moisture and vitality.

If you’ve taken advantage of our vibrant colour matching service, then the last thing you’ll want is for this to become frustrated.


Protect yourself

As well as causing it to be dry and brittle, sun-bleached hair can pose serious risks to your long term health. Melanin also works to absorb ultraviolet rays from penetrating your hair and skin, protecting your cells from skin cancer.

The British Skin Foundation has published general advice on how to protect yourself as May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

At Flip-In Hair extensions, we can also recommend:

  • Wear a hat or headscarf (a headscarf might be more suitable to stop ‘hat hair’).
  • Swap that tight bun for a loose plait: Pulling on fragile hairs can damage them.
  • Avoid chlorine or hair treatments- the chemicals can react with the sun and exacerbate bleached hair.
  • Consider using UV protection spray. This Charles Worthington formula contains Moringa seed extract and is available to buy for £2.99 from Boots.
  • You can also combine this with protective shampoo. Charles Worthington also offers a version which contains UV Filters and washes away chlorine. This too is being sold at Boots for £2.99.


Extending hair doesn’t mean extending vulnerability

If you’re planning on adding a flamboyant flash of summer colour to your locks, then be assured you can enjoy our full range without having to worry about bleached hair.

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